Theses are always assigned with reference to the current research topics of the AVA group. The exact task is developed in dialog with the supervisor, based on the interests and previous knowledge of the student. Previous attendance of in-depth courses offered by AVA is often helpful, but is not an essential prerequisite for the assignment of a topic. The current research projects of the academic staff are described on their personal pages. The relevant member of staff is then also the best contact person for theses in the respective field. General questions about writing a thesis in our research group and further information on possible topics can be discussed with any member of the AVA group.
Below you will find some examples of topics organized by research focus.
Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN) and Realtime Applications
- Clock Synchronisation Between Industrial Personal Computers Using Network Time Protocol
- Analysis of Communication Schedules for Time-triggered Realtime Traffic in TSN Networks
- Reliability Analysis in Time-Sensitive Networks
- Robust Schedules for Time-Sensitive Networks
- Analysis and Simulation of Asynchronous Traffic Shaping in TSN
- Scheduling of Heterogeneous Data Traffic in Time-Sensitive Networks
- Scheduling of Time-Triggered Traffic on Redundant Paths in Time-Sensitive Networks
- Distributed Scheduling of Realtime Traffic in Time-Sensitive Networks
- Dynamic Reconfiguration of TSN Networks While Maintaining Hard Realtime Guarantees
- Management and Configuration of Time-Sensitive Networks
- Strategies for Deriving Valid TSN Configurations
- Design and Implementation of a Network Controller fpr Time-Sensitive Networks
- Evaluation of a Publish/Subscribe Middleware in PlanetLab
- Adapting the Overlay Network Size of Publish/Subscribe Systems
- Performance Analysis of Publish/Subscribe Systems using Queuing Networks
- Validation of a Model for Performance Analysis of Publish/Subscribe Systems
- Modeling Client Behavior and Distributions in Publish/Subscribe Systems
- Integration of Request/Reply into Publish/Subscribe based on Flexible Message Routing
- Concept and Implementation of a Demonstrator for a Publish/Subscribe Middleware
- Implementation of an Interface connecting a Publish/Subscribe Middleware to the Network Simulator NS3
- Caching in Publish/Subscribe-Systems
- Scalable Publish/Subscribe Communication Using Linux eBPF
- Fast Publish/Subscribe Communication Using DPDK
- Combining and Adapting Virtual Forwarding Trees for Content-based Publish/Subscribe
- Multicast Strategies for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Using OpenFlow
Event-Driven Architectures
- Implementing Workflow Patterns using Publish/Subscribe
- Distributed Execution of Business Processes using Publish/Subscribe
- Event-Based Composition of Business Processes
- A Runtime Environment for Event-Based Components
- Distributed Detection of Composite Events
- Speculative Execution in Distributed Event-Based Systems
- Constraint-based Detection of Complex Events in Partitioned Data Streams
- Distributed Constraint-based Detection of Complex Events
- A Middleware for Receiving and Processing AIS Messages
Cloud Computing
- Device and Service Discovery for Dynamic Sets in the Internet of Things
- Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition for Analyzing Realtime Data for Enhancing Operations and Hosting of Cloud Software
- A Benchmarking Platform for TSN Schedulers
- Distributed Workflow Platform for Scientific Simulations
- Cloud-based Interactive Platform for Simulation and Evaluation of FMU Models
- A High-performance Data Transport for Microservices Using Shared Memory
Green Computing
- Investigation of the Interaction of the Windows Scheduler and the Energy Saving Mechanisms of Modern Processors
- Energy-Efficient Execution of Multithreaded Applications on Multi-Core Processors
- Comparison of Implementations of Multi-Seat Computers
- Distributed Placement Strategies for Virtual Machines
- A Flexible Desktop Virtualization Concept for Student Computer Laboratories
- A Motion Model for the Simulation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- A Modular Simulation Model for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Data Storage
- Integration of New Data Storage Devices into the Memory Hierarchy using Solid State Disks as Example Devices
- Comparing the Performance of Hard Disks and Solid State Disks with Respect to Different RAID Levels
- A Simulator Framework for Solid State Disks
- Change of Data Protection Strategies: Periodic versus Continuous Strategies
Web Applications
- Adaptive Composition of Web Services under Quality-of-Service Aspects
- Quantitative Comparison of Concurrency Strategies for Web Servers
- Comparison of Techniques for Web-based Applications
- A Web Application to Support the Student Counseling Service
Distributed Algorithms
- Swarm Algorithms for Basic Geometric Formations
- Composition of Self-X Properties
- A Framework for the Graphical Visualization of Distributed Algorithms
- Visualization and Simulation of Distributed Algorithms